8 Ways to Improve Task Management & Project Accountability

As with any business venture, it is essential for your overhead costs and your efficiency to keep your tasks organized and your staff accountable for their workload. A successful business will have some systems to help manage tasks and accountability, but there is always room for improvement. 

Crows Nest Project Management software provides solutions that reduce duplication of tasks and prevent other duties from falling through the cracks. In addition to the Crow’s Nest Software, you can also improve task management and project accountability by implementing these eight easy steps.

1.     Train on the Process

With Crows Nest Task Management systems, your process will be the consistent each and every time. When your company has defined a process for each task, with multiple steps, and lives by that process, the quality of the final outcome can be replicated over and over. With Crows Nest Task Management systems, you can be assured that every step of a project will be the same every time. 

2.     Be Mindful of Timing

When a project is coordinated through a task management program, like Crows Nest, you can set each task on a path of completion that can be replicated over and over. No matter how complex or individualized the project is, you can set the timings of each task to ensure completion by your deadline. With a service solution like Crows Nest, you’ll be able to prioritize tasks and build routines that get the job done right, on time, every time.

3.     Accountability

Keeping a project on the proper timeline and ensuring that it can be completed to the same standards and in the same timeline each and every time it needs to be done takes a level of accountability that is often lost without task management systems in place. Using a program specifically designed for your task management allows you to hold your staff accountable for their actions during the workday. With Crows Nest Task Management, you can track the speed at which tasks are completed and have documentation of any shortcuts. These tracking options allow you to praise and discipline as needed to keep your projects on track.

4.    Delegate

After figuring out the steps you’ll need to complete for each job process, it’s time to delegate these tasks to your staff. As long as you have trained them consistently on the procedures and software you use, you can depend on them to mark off tasks as they’re completed. The software can also help with this process; you are enabled to move from one task to another with solid communication

5.     Automation

Some tasks, many tasks within a process, can be fully automated. This part of the process is often figuring out which tasks need to be programmed into the software and utilized for your clients and which things need to remain back office. Common examples of automation within business systems include client email follow-ups, automated project quotes, and similar tasks. Successful automation of many of these tasks will free up your staff for more hands-on portions of the project. 

6.    Communication

Using a task management program that integrates all levels of staff will ensure that tasks are completed without duplication and allows each member of the team to account for their duties. Many task management solutions such as CN include chat communication features enabling staff visibility to what has been completed, what remains open, and any other notes that need to be shared without in-person interactions. Maintaining strong communication can improve production times and the overall efficiency of your project.

7.     Be Flexible and Adapt

Even the best plans can go astray. A task management plan that accommodates delays or alternative processes will prevent a breakdown in operations. No matter how good your planning processes are, you can’t account for everything. Remember that you can adapt to the new change without catastrophic results if you run into a hiccup. 

8.    Use Management Software 

Prevent many of the stressors from task management and accountability by investing in tried and tested management software. When you look for software to help your company with task management, figure out the essential aspects, and find or create software that will check all the boxes for your needs. 

Crows Nest Task Management software is designed with businesses of all sizes in mind, creating systems and accessible training to keep your staff accountable for their portion of the bigger picture. Contact us today for a demo and consult on our programs and integrating them into your business. 

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